In the ever-evolving landscape of Bollywood, few actresses have navigated the terrain as boldly and candidly as Taapsee Pannu.

Known for her impressive range and dedication to her craft, Pannu is not only a celebrated performer but also an outspoken advocate for personal boundaries and respect.

"I think I have chosen a life which unfortunately I got to know very late that [you'll be trolled no matter what you do]," she confessed, reflecting on the inevitability of online criticism.

"So, I think this trolling has come into all of our lives lately. And I feel ," the actor said , emphasising that being trolled signifies her relevance in today's digital landscape.

The actress also touched on the transient nature of trolling, noting that online attacks often flare up around a single post or tweet but quickly fade as public attention shifts.

"People are spending time in negativity on you. I would be like, 'okay, I'm worth their time in some way'," said Pannu.

She believes that despite the harshness of today's trolls they lack the power to destroy careers as it did in earlier times when critics could significantly influence an actor's trajectory.

"No, they cannot. No, they cannot. Otherwise, (I wouldn't be here. I swear.)," she said.

The actor was particularly outspoken about her interactions with the paparazzi, saying, "I have a very clear logic of the fact that I'm a public figure, not public property. There's a very, very big difference between the two."

She firmly asserted her right to personal space, highlighting that undue invasion by photographers crosses the line.

"If you shout at me, I will not take it. If you jump on me and pounce on me and physically come too close to me, that's not acceptable," Pannu said.

The discussion took a personal turn as Pannu shared her frustration with the media's obsession with negative narratives.

Despite these challenges, Pannu remains focused on her craft. "I'm working really hard. I'm giving my sweat and blood to every film," she said passionately. "If you think I did something good, then please come and watch it."

She also talked about how her commitment to her work shines through in the support she receives from critics, even when a film does not achieve commercial success.

"It's not like I know many of them personally for them to know the hard work I'm putting in. I guess my honesty towards my work speaks on camera. They probably felt (that she tried hard). (The whole film is not on my shoulders). It's a team effort. Every film is a team effort. I tried to give my best. It didn't work for X, Y, Z, or whatever reasons. I shouldn't be held responsible for it. So they were kind enough to give me my due. And they've most of the time been kind to me," Pannu said.

Meanwhile, on the work front, she was last seen in and .

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