Facts about Ashwathama from Mahabharat: Get ready to explore the mysterious persona of Ashwatthama as you immerse yourself in the epic story of "Kalki 2898 AD." With Amitabh Bachchan as Ashwatthama, the film promises to be a blend of science fiction and mythology, which has intrigued audiences.

Who Is Ashwatthama?

Ashwatthama, also known as Drauni, is the grandson of the Bharadwaja Rishis and the son of Guru Dronacharya. He was a Maharathi who fought in the Kurukshetra War with the Kauravas against the Pandavas.

The term "Ashwatthama" describes the holy voice that is connected to the sound of a horse. The name of this legendary figure came from the fact that after birth, he wept like a horse. Check out 7 fascinating facts about Ashwatthama before you watch Kalki 2898 AD in the theatres.

Is Ashwatthama Still Alive?

As per sacred Hindu scriptures, Ashwatthama is known to be alive. According to various legends, Suryakanta would be the name of Ashwatthama's everlasting existence throughout the Kaliyuga period. Ashwatthama will so continually seek death even though he will never pass away. Ashwatthama will meet Lord Vishnu's tenth avatar, Sri Kalki, at the conclusion of Kali Yuga.

7 Unknown Facts About Ashwatthama

1. Skilled In Archery

Ashwatthama is known to be nearly as strong as Arjuna, particularly when it comes to archery. He was close friends with Dhritarashtra's eldest son, Duryodhana, among the Kuru princes. They are both envious of the Pandavas. Because of Yudhisthira, Duryodhana believed that he would never be able to inherit the kingdom of Hastinapura, and because of Ashwatthama's jealousy due to Arjuna's brilliance, he believed that his father's affection had been split.

2. One Of The Ashtachiranjeevis (Immortals) And The Secret Of Jewel On Forehead

Although there are more than eight immortals, Ashwathama is one of the Astha Chiranjeevi, Eight Immortals. Ashwatthama possessed power over all creatures under humans due to a diamond he was born with on his brow. He was shielded from thirst, hunger, and exhaustion by the jewel. Despite being a proficient fighter and possessor of lethal weaponry, Dronacharya had a modest existence. Ashwatthama had an extremely difficult upbringing as a result, to the point that even milk was not available to him.

3. Co-Lone Survivor During The Kurukshetra War

It is believed that Ashwatthama and his maternal uncle Kripa are the only two people who survived the Kurukshetra War. With their calculated nighttime raids on the Pandavas' encampment, these two greatly damaged the Pandavas. Even in the face of Parashuram, Ashwatthama served as Kripacharya's guardian.

4. Lord Krishna Cursed Ashwatthama

It is said at the end of Sauptika Parva, the tenth of the Mahabharata's eighteen parvas, that Ashwatthama was cursed by Lord Krishna to have leprosy and to roam the Earth till the end of the Kaliyuga period.

In addition, Ashwatthama was made to give up the priceless jewel (mani) that was fastened to his forehead. Because of this diamond, he became fearless in the face of gods, giants, demons, and dragons, as well as any weapon, illness, or hunger. The sticky markings created a gash on his forehead where the diamonds had been extracted, and the foul-smelling blood would never stop until Kaliyuga's end.

Amitabh Bachchan has portrayed the character of Ashwatthama in Kalki 2898 AD. (Image Source: Twitter/Amitabh Bachchan) 

5. Used Narayanastra During The Mahabharata War

Ashwatthama became enraged upon discovering that his father's death was caused by deceit. To vanquish the Pandavas, he called out the formidable heavenly weapon Narayanastra. Alongside the creation of weaponry, there were lightning strikes, peals of thunder, strong winds, and the appearance of millions of arrows prepared to attack every individual carrying a weapon inside the Pandava fort. The Pandavas were terrified by this till Lord Krishna eventually ordered them to give up their weapons and bow to Narayanastra.

As Vishnu's (Narayana's) avatar, Lord Krishna was aware that Narayanastra only targeted individuals who were armed. Following the dropping of weapons by all the notable warriors in the Pandavas camp, Narayanastra lost its objective and went back to Ashwatthama. When the battle recommenced, Duryodhana gave Ashwatthama the order to pull out the Narayanastra once more. Nevertheless, Ashwatthama clarified that if the weapon were to be utilised once again, the wearer would be the target.

6. Had Knowledge About Most Powerful Weapons

Brahmastra, Brahmashirastra, and Narayanastra are examples of heavenly weapons that Ashwatthama was knowledgeable of. Despite his impetuous nature, Ashwatthama became one of the most powerful fighters of the Mahabharata. But in the end, his impetuous personality brought him to ruin.

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7. Defeated Drishtadyumna

In a direct fight, Ashwatthama vanquished Dristadyumna, the son of Drupad and brother of Draupadi, but was unable to kill him when Satyaki and Bhima came to his aid right away. Following more combat, Ashwatthama succeeded in killing Mahismati King Nila.


(Disclaimer: This is based on general public information. Jagran English does not confirm its veracity. Before adopting any measures, consult an expert from the relevant field.)

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